BBC News now available. イギリスBBC News 好評配信中

August 2020, our CEO Hiroki Kiyokawa was featured in a program on the BBC.
“All things are created and destined to be broken someday. I think being broken or damaged is never a bad thing,” Kiyokawa comments in the program. “All of us develop scars throughout our lives. But these scars should never be hidden. Our imperfections can be the birth of something new.”
This video garnered more than 200,000 views on YouTube soon after its release, and now, three years later, has been viewed more than 500,000 times.
President Parsons and Secretary-General Guterres of the United Nations, introduced previously, also chose kintsugi as the theme of their speeches after being inspired by this video.

2020年8月に公開以降、多くの反響をいただいておりますBBC newsの動画を再掲載いたします。

We have received many responses from both within Japan and abroad of viewers impressed by Kiyokawa’s
comment, “Try not to hide what you’ ve gone through and your history, even if it was a big accident. You should
embrace it. And you will be reborn because of that accident.”
