日本の教科書会社の大手「三省堂」さんから発行される教科書で、清川が著書「金継ぎの美と心」より、書下ろしを上梓いたしました。2025 年度より多くの中学校で採用され、日本の多くの子供たちが目にすることでしょう。
This textbook is published by Sanseido, a major Japanese textbook company. It will be adopted by many
junior high schools starting in the 2025 school year, and many children in Japan will see Kiyokawa’s writings.
We hope that by conveying the spirituality of kintsugi to the children who will be responsible for the future of Japanese culture, it will serve as an opportunity to pass on traditional culture
to the next generation.

The digital book is available on the Sanseido website. Please refer to slide No.93 of the “Textbook Digest”